243 Men of Harvard

The Class Report Office publishes fourteen Reports annually for each Harvard and Radcliffe quinquennial reunion class. Informally known as the “Red Books,” Class Reports are a long-standing Harvard tradition, dating back at least to the mid-1800s. They serve as historical chronicles of classes and encourage alumni to maintain connections with each other and the College through the sharing of current contact information, family and professional news, and in-depth life stories. Content is gathered for the Reports by means of a questionnaire provided to all class members and is ushered into print in advance of Reunion by a team of five professional editors.

Renny and I discussed the desirability of uploading classmates' contributions from the 65th Reunion Report to the 1955 Class Website.  It has been an extended and somewhat laborious assignment, but I have finally put together the following. Unfortunately, Renny did not live to see the end product but I hope he would have liked it.

Our class secretary had suggested in his request for submissions to the Red Book that we not dwell on issues of health. This proved to be a request ignored by many because with the approach of the ninth decade many of us did indeed choose to provide health-related data – both positive and negative.

Most telling are the reflections on the current State of the Union that our secretary suggested we proffer and I've reported these  thoughts of my classmates as they shared them in the year 2019.

1156 men matriculated in the spring of 1951. 531 names appeared in the Sixty-fifth Anniversary Report of the Class of 1955.
Presently, in the dog days of the summer of 2023, a significant number of the 531 are deceased, but not forgotten. 

With some, only their undergraduate houses were listed, others appeared with last-known addresses, and some with full name only.
Many of the latter I assume are among the deceased.

243 respondents replied, often listing family status, health concerns and/or the current State of the Union and the World. It is from these that I have gathered the following snippets.

1 – d.a.

Since politics and health are not to be discussed, I am at a loss for words.
I guess I will have to save my health and political observations for the Seventy-fifth Anniversary Report. Things might be clearer then.

2 – m.a.

children – 3
grandchildren – 6
We cheered for our Washington Nationals World Series winners. They elevated the somber mood of our fears for the divisions in the country. We fear for the state of the Union but are hopeful that we will survive.

3 – r.a.

children – 2
grandchildren - 6
However, I still feel that I am extraordinarily lucky to have reasonably good health and am surrounded by my family.

4 – d.a.
children – 2
grandchildren - 4
I persist in my double professional life as both psychotherapist and visual artrist, visit lots of doctors, ingest all kinds of meds, take pride in my children and four grandchildren, and retain important friendships. Grim about the severe tear in our country's political fabric as well as our planet's climate instability; so troubling an inheritance to leave.

5 – e.a.

children – 2
grandchildren - 2
I find myself in an increasing struggle not to be overcome by the flood of negative developments on the national scene. We are losing ground on almost every challenge facing our country, from sustaining biodiversity and our environmental future to racial relations and economic equality.
My physical activities are declining, but I still ski, ride horses, walk for exercise, and mow the meadows on our farm in the Catskills.

6 – j.a, jr.
children -3
grandchildren – 6
I have had a little challenge with balance lately but still get along well and drive from our home in Wickenburg to my office in Phoenix daily.

7 – c.a.
children – 3
stepchildren - 4
grandchildren - 6
step-grandchildren – 5
Instead of commenting on the state of the Union (everybody knows it is in chaos and dysfunctional), I am enclosing a poem I wrote about our love and marriage.

8 – k.g.a.
children – 2

grandchildren – 4
My health is good. I have low blood pressure. I walk a lot.

9 – h.a.

children – 1
grandchildren – 2

10 – c.a.
children – 6
grandchildren – 8
great-grandchildren - 5

11 – j.a.

children – 3
stepchildren 2
grandchildren – 4
great grand-children – 1
Rotator cuff surgery unfortunately ended my two loves of playing squash and skiing both here and in Europe, but I still jog (though more slowly), occasionally work out, and hike quite extensively.
And as an internationalist, I've always been preoccupied with global affairs. I continue to hope that someday mankind will awaken and realize how fragile is our beautiful Planet Earth. I grieve that our once great hope, Obama, let Putin run circles around hin so that Vladimir is now such a force to reckon with not only in the Middle East, and of course Crimea and eastern Ukraine, but also here at home with his election meddling – he beat Obama on all three fronts. And that disgrace of a president, that reprehensible human being – T-runp, probably threw America under the bus at his Helsinki meeting with Vladimir. His allegiance to himself first and Putin second is reprehensible. Thank god we have true Americans who have not been afraid to stand up and speak truth to power while the craven Republicans fall over themselves trying to find ways to get our commander in chief off the hook for fear that they won't be reelected themselves. Where are the “profiles in courage” in our legislative branch today?
Nonetheless, I do look to the future with enthusiasm and optimism, despite the polarized and troubling times throughout the world. I have been blessed with good health and Diane, who multiplies my joys and helps to ease the disappointments.

12 – r.b.

children – 1
Good health has permitted me to stay active.

13 – g.b.

children – 2
grandchildren - 4
It looks like it's going to be a really “interesting” next five or ten years.

14 – h.b.

children – 3
grandchildren - 12
great-grandchildren – 13
After retirement in 1997, when Janet and I were more fit and able, we sought the pleasure and adventure of living in emerging nations; now we glean increased satisfaction being with family and friends.
Janet and I enjoy remarkably good health for our ages.

15 - j.b., jr.

children – 2
grandchildren - 2
Here we are again - it is hard to believe that five years have passed since we were asked to describe/report/comment on our lives and the state of the world, now and in our collective past. I hope to be brief in this task, perhaps reflecting that the past five years have brought more (I think) challenges, setbacks, worries and concerns than the previous five.  
Around the corner, and in someplaces already here, is a rise of intolerance, isolationism, and oversimplification of complex problems and suggested solutions. The political arena, once, with all its warts, a source if change for the better, has become tribal, divisive, and incapable of taking effective action.
Enough, in these reflections, my intent was to highlight that our generation has been through a lot. It has been challenge after challenge, national and global, many of them major, and still they come. I am not sure what comes next, although I sense it will challenge our adaptation and humanity even more. And thus we bow out. Our time here is close to over – the decade of our nineties is virtually here.

16 - m.b.
children - 4
grandchildren - 10

17 - g.b., jr.

children – 4

18 – p.b.

children – 5
stepchildren - 2
grandchildren - 3
step-grandchildren - 2
step-great-grandchildren - 4
If individuals wish to seek solutions to common social and political issues, it is essential that they not be blinded by “false news” claims that are argued with blind passion.

19 – w.b.

children – 4
grandchildren - 10

20 – b.b.

children – 2
grandchildren - 5
As 2020 approaches , we look forward to helping elect a Democratic president and Congressional majority.

21 – j.b.

children – 3
grandchildren - 8
step-grandchildren – 1
Over the past five years, we have slowed down just a bit and are concerned over the nasty politics that have become so rampant in the USA and other countries as well.

22 – f.b.

children – 2

23 – d.b.
children – 4
grandchildren - 8

24 – t.b.
children – 5
grandchildren - 3
(I did not love Republicans culminating in the Trumpster.)

25 – r.b.

children – 3
grandchildren - 7
|step-grandchildren – 1
There are no particular or singular events that have influenced my life in the last five years except for realizing that I need to be physically active to avoid the problems that spinal stenosis causes over the years (three surgeries and multiple epidurals and nerve blocks). I still manage to get about but have to limit overdoing it – or is that just eighty-five?

26 - e.b.
children - 4
grandchildren - 9
great-grandchildren - 8

27 – m.b.

28– j.b.
children – 4

grandchildren - 4

29 – b.b.

children – 3
grandchildren - 5
great-grandchildren – 2
I was in the hospital six or seven times. They were short stays, and I have recovered. I moved to an assisted-living facility.

30 – j.b

children – 2

31 - r.b.
children – 4

grandchildren - 8

32 – r.b.

A pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago is not on our calender.

33 – d.b.

children – 2
grandchildren - 4

34 – c.b.

children – 2
grandchildren - 3
great-grandchildren - 1
Health problems have kept travel to a minimum, but local social life is in full swing.

35 - d.b.
children - 3
grandchildren - 4
step-grandchildren - 2

36 - w.c.
children 4
grandchildren - 10
great-grandchildren - 1

37 - j.c.
children - 1
While my eyesight is failing from macular degeneration, I can still find my way on the city bus to the Harvard Club, and exercise at the fitness center.

38 - m.c.
children - 3
grandchildren - 5

39 - w.c.
children - 5
grandchildren - 6
I continue to be an early morning walker and I do many stretching-type exercises to keep myself in shape to play doubles tennis throughout the year. Playing indoors enhances my game as I do not have to battle the sun and the wind.

40 - t.c.

children – 4
grandchildren – 11
Still vertical.

41 - f.c., jr.

children – 3
grandchildren – 4

42– r.c.
children – 5
grandchildren – 9

43 – p.c., jr.
children – 3
grandchildren – 6
In contrast, I note that in the previous Report, I expressed grave concern for the nation's future, focusing on our then-pending 2004 election. Disappointed as I was by the results, I would gladly exchange our situation then for the present condition and prospects of our nation and world, particularly in regard to the absence of adequate climate-control action.
The appalling ignorance and malevolence of the present administration and the growing menace of authoritarian government here and abroad emphasizes the importance of well-educated, historically informed, and democratically oriented leaders. Harvard's critical role in producing such men and women is greater than ever as it nears its four hundredth anniversary.

44 – s.c.

children – 3
grandchildren – 2

45 – p.c.

children – 6
grandchildren – 12
great-grandchildren – 9
great-great-grandchildren – 2
After two melanoma surgeries, open heart, stents, and one knee replacement, I accept responsibility for the high cost of medical care for the rest of you.

46– d.c
children – 1

47 – n.c. 
children – 2
grandchildren – 7
I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in 1991, but obviously I survived.

48 – w.c. III

children – 3
grandchildren – 7
Section hiking the Appalachian Trail (Georgia to Maine). A case of Lyme disease in Connecticut slowed me down so I ended at the White Mountains in New Hampshire.

49 - a.c.
children – 2
grandchildren – 4
step-grandchildren - 1

50 - f.c.
children – 3
grandchildren – 3
great-grandchildren - 1

51- j.c.

children – 4

52– k.c.

children – 1
grandchildren – 2
I believe America has lost its way. Prejudice is still rampant in our society. A tiny percent of our population control most of the wealth. If this continues, in time our capitalist system will surely fail. Women's rights are being infringed upon more and more every year. Many Americans have lost their sense of values. They do not seem to know right from wrong. We have lost our sense of fairness. America is having a difficult time keeping up with our fast-changing society.
I believe in America. I believe we will find our way again, but it may be a hard fight and take a time.

53– f.d.

children – 3
grandchildren – 3
great-grandchildren – 3

54 - m.d.
Health good. Regular walker.

55– l.d.
...and, without much success, I attempt to cope with the indignities of aging.

56 - o.d.

57 – b.d.
children – 4
stepchildren – 2

grandchildren – 7
step-grandchildren - 5
step-great-grandchildren – 1

58 - j.d.
children – 2
grandchildren – 2
In March, 2019, my bones began to break. Lymphoma, Chemo for five months, hospital three times, the end of my professional life.I am in remission (cure?) and learning a new life.

59 – r.d. 

children – 2
grandchildren – 1

60 – d.d., III       

children - 3
grandchildren - 6                          

61 - r.d.
children - 5
grandchildren - 8
We are healthy, so life is good.

62 – p.d.
children – 6
stepchildren - 5
grandchildren – 10
step-grandchildren – 5
step-great-grandchildren – 4
Our health (Mary's and mine) remains good!

63 – r.d.
children – 3
stepchildren - 2
grandchildren – 3
step-grandchildren – 1
Am eighty-five this year, still reasonably fit and healthy.

64 – r.d.
children – 2
grandchildren – 6

65 - f.d.

66 – p.d.
children – 2
 - Health issues the last five years have been a prominent feature, Had to stop tennis and running due to my knee, which was a major change in lifestyle. “Bone on Bone!”, the orthopaedists joyfully cried. It looks as though man's worst friend – prostate cancer – is no longer active after surgery, radiation, hormones, etc.

67 - w.d. III
children – 3
grandchildren – 2
On the way to decay.
Life? Mostly doing what one can before doing stops.
Fell down at the post office this morning trying to hold the door open for a lady. She had to raise me up with another young gentleman helping.

68 – p.d.
children -1
grandchildren – 4

69 – j.e. III
children - 4
grandchildren – 10
great-grandchildren - 1

70 – r.e.
children – 3
grandchildren – 6

71- t.e.
children – 2
grandchildren – 3

72 – d.f.
children – 3
grandchildren – 10

73 - h.f.

children – 3
grandchildren – 5

74– b.g.
children – 3
I listen to a lot of classical music and I do quite a bit of reading despite the fact that my visual acuity has declined substantially. My health is declining, but for the moment, it seems to be within tolerable parameters.

75 – j.g.
children – 2
grandchildren – 3

76 – h.g.
children – 4
grandchildren – 9
Biking and kayaking and skiing are great hobbies, though knee replacements kept me out of skiing the past two years.
The glorious future has been part of the Alaska mystique forever, but with a right-wing governor slashing education and social service budgets and people moving out, it's hard to be optimistic. The present national government doesn't help. But we consider ourselves very fortunate to enjoy the joys of life.

77 – e.g. jr.
children – 4
grandchildren – 9
great-grandchildren – 1
Staying away from politics and other frustrating endeavors.

78 – e.g. II
children – 2
grandchildren – 5
It is sad to see that so many of our 1955ers have passed on. Of my freshman foursome in Grays Hall, only my fast friend over all these years, T. T., is celebrating our Sixty-fifth.

79 - j.g.
children – 2
grandchildren – 4
step-grandchildren - 1

80 – e.g.
children – 2
grandchildren – 2

81 – w.g.
children – 2
grandchildren – 1
The many infirmities of old age are catching up with me, but I'm still mobile, (modestly) active, and in good spirits.

82 – e.g.
children – 2
grandchildren – 4
I'll conclude with a wish that we '55ers who have survived this long may be allowed to make a very, very slow exit.

83 - a.g.
children – 2
stepchildren - 3
grandchildren – 3
step-grandchildren - 1
Had hemorrhage in spinal cord. July, 2017, post-surgery, had quadriplegia from which, thanks to two very good physical therapists, I am able to walk with the assistance of a walker.

84 – c.g.
children – 3
grandchildren – 9

85 - r.g.

children – 2
grandchildren – 2

86 – g.g
children – 2
grandchildren – 4

87 – s.g.
children – 2
grandchildren – 4
Sandy and I have been fortunate to remain in reasonably good health into our mid-eighties.

88 – g.g.
children – 4
grandchildren – 6
I have been appalled by the direction our country has taken under Mr. Trump and the explicit and tacit support he has received from the Republican establishment. I cannot recall being awake at night because of concern about our country's future. Trump has sowed hatred, led to divisiveness, undermined the trust and friendship the country had developed abroad under Republican and Democratic administrations, undermined confidence in the integrity of law enforcement agencies, and, in innumerable ways, undermined the rule of law. The fact that such a large minority of our country is attracted to his rhetoric is frightening and reminiscent of Germany in the '30s. I can only hope that impeachment or elections changes the path on which we seem to be headed.

89 - g.g.

children – 3
grandchildren – 8
great-grandchildren - 3

90 – h.g.
children –3
stepchildren -2
grandchildren – 3
step-grandchildren – 3
step-great-grandchildren - 1
I am sorry to report that I am the last living member of the four of us from E-41- R.G., B.Z. And F.N. F. and I were lifelong friends. His last years of decline and passing were a very sad time for me
Jeannie and I have remained in good health.
At times, and especially in the last three years, I despair for the future of our Republic.The highest position in the land has reached a never imagined low. Hopefully I am mistaken, but the drift seems strong.

91 – p.g.
children – 2
grandchildren - 3

92 – r.g.
children – 1
grandchildren – 3
Frankly, I am glad that I am no longer in the Foreign Service. I would not be able, in good conscience, to implement, explain or justify many Trump administration policies. I hope for better soon.

93– g.g.
children – 2
stepchildren - 2
grandchildren – 2
step-grandchildren – 2
step-great-grandchildren – 1
Now I am eighty-seven years old, in pretty good physical shape, and living out my years as happily as anyone.

94 - a.g.

children – 2
grandchildren – 2

95 – m.g.   
children – 4
grandchildren – 6
My body told me clearly that I should hang up my baton.

96 - g.g.

97 - g.g.
children – 1
grandchildren – 3

98 - a.h.
children – 4
grandchildren – 11
Also keep up my tennis, but in a more subdued level.

99 - a.h
children -
grandchildren - 2
great grandchildren - 2
Currently, I think this country needs to increase its ethical foundation principles and standards. As I grow older, I have politically become more liberal, which I think may be uncommon for our age group.

100 – j.h.
children – 3
grandchildren – 5
When our class graduated in 1955, we were welcomed, as was the custom, by President Nathan Pusey into the community of “educated men and women.” During one of his rallies in 2016, candidate Donald Trump announced, “I love the uneducated!” Never the twain shall meet. Asked what happened in the 2016 election, and what might be repeated in 2020, a leading documentary filmmaker recently responded with a quotation from Pogo, our hero from the 1952 Harvard Square riot: “We have met the enemy and he is us!”
Watching Brexit and Trump make a shambles of liberal democracy, I look forward to the publication in 2020 by the historian Ian Buruma of his book describing the rise and fall of the Anglo-American order, in order to better understand how we got here. In the meantime, my courses at Harvard may also provide some insight.

101 - k.h.

102 – j.h.

children – 3
step-children - 3
grandchildren – 7
Concerns? Two.
1. Anti-semitism: A plaque on my library wall from the American Jewish Committee, Atlanta Chapter, reminds me of the insidiousness of bigotry and discrimination, which Jimmy Cox Kennedy and I battled in Atlanta in the early '90s. In 2018, there were four times as many hate crimes against Jews than blacks. I hope appropriate national leadership will counter this and not tolerate acceptance of “good people on both sides” with neo-Nazis deriding Jews on one side and a leader who says, “Jews who vote for Democrats are disloyal.”
2. Some guardrails of democracy have been damaged in the past several years. I hope appropriate and strong leadership will restore civility and comity to the nation. Policies from Molly Ivins' “weaker than bus-station chili” won't do.

103 - d.h.
children – 5
grandchildren – 10
great-grandchildren – 2
I'm depressed by the divisiveness in our country but am confident that we will survive. And I'm in good health and fully functional.

104 – r.h.
children - 2
After that, I do not really have any hobbies and am not political, except that Trump makes me puke with all his lies. I knew his kind in the real estate business in Miami, and I learned how to spot them long before he ran for office.

105– r.h.
children – 1
Over the past five years, I have survived occasional attacks of atrial fibrillation, total knee replacement surgery, and kidney stones and am currently crawling my way back in physical therapy from total immobility and a trip to the ER for paralyzing back pain. Evidently my spine wants to pack it in with stenosis, arthritis, and bone spurs.

106 - s.h.
What we need, and the world needs, is a democratic world government (DWG). Does the world have time to establish it? Effort by enough in the world might work, but one madman pushing the button (before it wears out) eould end us all in the H-bomb Third World War, which would kill 75 percent of Americans and the rest of the world from radiation in the air.

107 – w.h., jr.
children – 2
grandchildren – 2
Alarming how far left the United States is tilting and the desire of so many voters for increasing government interference into our lives. The liberal/progressive movement continues to suck in supporters for their socialist agenda despite its continued record of failure throughout the world. Surprising how many Harvard “elites” are leading this crowd.
I have been graced with a wonderful family, good health, and a rewarding life.

108 – m.h.
children – 4
grandchildren – 8
It is difficult not to despair when contemplating the present state of the Union.
For starters, refusing to confront the daily individual and mass shootings (guns do kill people), the betrayal of the ideals on the plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty, our ill-advised political and military misadvantures in foreign lands, the ongoing ugly partisanship in the absence of civility among elected representatives, appointed officials and civil servants in Washington, D.C., and of course, at the highest level of government, the denial of climate change.
Especially disheartening to me is the failure of our leaders to establish a better system of delivering health care to the population. Under our present system, health care costs up to twice as much per person as it does in other industrialized countries, and yet we continue to rank near the bottom of those countries in infant mortality and life expectancy. Government bureaucracy, intrusion of third-party insurers, and burdensome paperwork all contribute to a system that is not working for many patients and is frustrating for health care providers. Health should be a right, not a privilege.
In 1948, the World Health Organization defined health with a phrase that is still used today: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
I would hope to see a change for the better in the next administration.
The past few years of political darkness and chaos must end with the 2020 national election.

109 – b.h.
children – 2
grandchildren - 2
great-granddaughter – 1

110 – t.h.
My wife, Rebecca, and I have reached our octogenarian years and are in relatively good health for our age.
I am still waiting for the University of Iowa to obtain their FDA approval for transplantation of photoreceptors in efforts to restore my vision. I hope this can be done before the Sixty-fifth reunion in Cambridge so Rebecca and I can enjoy the festivities and I can truly say “It is a pleasure to see you.”

111 – d.h.
children – 2
grandchildren – 2
Aging has taken a toll on my mobility, making travel more of a chore than a pleasure. I have consequently come to see aging as the progressive shutting down of body systems, starting at one end of one's anatomy and progressing finally to the other. As an academic, I feel fortunate that in my case the process started with my legs rather than my head.
I am particularly troubled by the resurgence of the curse of my childhood years, anti-semitism. On this score, I find the left, with its pretense of moral self-righteousness, even more despicable than the mindless haters on the right. I fear that civilization's holding action will once again be too little and too late.

112 - j.h.
children – 4
grandchildren – 5
great-grandchildren – 3
We enjoy good health.

113 – r.h.
children – 7
grandchildren – 14
great-grandchildren – 3
Both Alice and I are still in relatively good physical shape. We still play tennis weekly (doubles, of course). I got my last USTA national ranking in 2015.

114 – w.h. III
children – 3
grandchildren – 6
great-grandchildren – 1

115 – j.h.
children – 3
grandchildren – 4
great-grandchildren – 4

116 – a.h.
children – 1
grandchildren – 1
As I write this, the impeachment inquiry into the conduct of President Trump is underway. It prompts me to ponder the question posed by Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address, namely “whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure.” I am terrified at the prospect that it may no longer endure as so conceived - “conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,” as stated in the opening sentence of that address. In my view, this political climate rivals the political climate that existed prior to the Civil War. In this respect, these are not “the best of times”; however, I hope for the best for those loved ones whom we inevitably leave behind.

117 - l.h.
children – 3
grandchildren – 4
My wife is very active in Kendal affairs, but I am less so, having collected some open-heart surgery and a bad fall two years ago.

118 – c.i.
children – 3
step-children - 2
grandchildren – 3
step-grandchildren - 4

119 – b.j.
children – 4
grandchildren – 4
Everyone is healthy, although I have had a couple of small strokes and I am no longer driving.
I can no longer play golf, but I can still dance, and we do have a good time.

120 – d.j.
children – 2
step-children - 4
grandchildren – 1
step-grandchildren – 5
So far, my health at our age is remarkably good.
I will leave it to other classmates to comment on the state of our Union, but as a pluralist and an internationalist, I'm appalled at the damage that the present administration is doing to our country and its values. Our Class of 1955 is fortunate to have lived during the prominence and leadership of the United States on the world stage. I believe that those days are ending for us, for the world, and for our descendents, even if there is a change in leadership in 2020.

121 - m.j.
children - 3
grandchildren - 3

122 – r.j.
children – 3
grandchildren – 6
The only downside is the occasional sense of mortality, vulnerability, and the limitations imposed by advancing aging.

123 – e.j.
children – 1

124 – s.k.
children – 2
grandchildren – 3

125 – r.k.
children – 1
I also spend time looking after my health, fuming about politics, reading widely, and reawakening my juvenile interest in chess.

126 – s.k.
children – 2
grandhildren – 1

127 – r.k.
children – 3
grandchildren – 6
great-grandchildren – 1

128 – a.k.
children – 2
grandchildren – 4

129 - j.l.
children – 2
step-children - 2
step grandchildren – 2
step-great-grandchildren – 2
Been the worst four years of a US presidency anyone can remember. The Mueller Report was a waste. The whistleblower might accomplish it. I will wait until March; California joined the Super Tuesday crowd this year. Maybe after that, Obama will come out with his choice and decide it all. He/she will go to the convention. Remember, the US has never had a female president. Will this be the year? In the meantime: impeach.

130 - d.l.
In Cambridge, my fellow students and I promoted world federalism, a global system of free, democratic nations speaking a single language known as Esperanto. Years later, we would discover that we wasted our time. The world would adopt a universal tongue, but it would be the one we already spoke: English.

131 – r.l., jr.
children – 4
grandchildren – 9
We, and our children/grandchildren, are fortunate to all have good health, along with the ability to travel and be physically and socially active.

132 – r.l.
children – 1

133 – g.l.
children - 1
grandchildren - 2

134 - j.l., jr.
children -
grandchildren - 2

135 - w.l.
children - 3
grandchildren - 3
It seems I spend much of my time managing health and mobility issues, but fortunately, I usually feel well.

136 - w.l.
children - 3
grandchildren - 6
I no longer climb up to my stadium seat in row PP (an easy one to remember) and sit down with D.Z. I now sit down close to the field on my walker with many who are in wheelchairs.
My medical issues pile has gone up. It is said that you know you are getting up in age when you know more doctors than you have friends I am not quite up to that stage yet - at least the last time I checked up!

137 - j.l.
children - 2
stepchildren - 3
grandchildren - 3
step-grandchildren - 6
I do not think about age and continue to do the same things that I've always enjoyed. I regularly play deteriorating tennis and terrible golf. In Florida, I swim laps and have been able to do more than thirty miles every year.

138 - m.l.
children - 3
grandchildren - 7
Of course, I worry about the state of the world, but from a personal perspective, it has been fun.

139 - s.l.
children - 3
grandchildren - 8

140 - w.m.
children - 5
grandchildren - 3
step-grandchildren - 1

141 - d.m.
children - 2
grandchildren - 3

142 - p.m.
children - 3
grandchildren - 10
great-grandchildren - 2
My main avocation continues to be golf, belonging to four senior golf associations and three golf courses and playing three or four days a week this summer.

143 - w.m.
children - 2
grandchildren - 3
The good news is the growth and maturing of our three grandsons and Michael's move from the Carolinas to Manchester with his new wife, Christine, to spend some time with me following my unsuccessful spinal surgery.

144 - h.m.
children - 4
grandchildren - 9
great-grandchildren - 7

145 - g.m.
children - 2
grandchildren - 3

146 - s. m-e.
children - 3
grandchildren - 6

147 - m.m.
children - 4
grandchildren - 7

148 - r.m.
children - 3
grandchildren - 7

149 - r.m.
children - 3
I've been living in Hanover with extremely little travel due to aftereffects from a stroke, three seizures, and two successful cancer operations - one of which was Dr. R.A.'s seven-hour surgery, saving my life by completely removing all cells of stage-3 melanoma.

150 - f.m.
children - 4
stepchildren - 3
grandchildren - 7
step-grandchildren - 4

151 - d.m.
children - 2
grandchildren- 4
great-grandchildren - 1
We are both lucky that our health, given our ages, remains pretty good and enables us to get around and travel.
My only wisdom about the current political storms that we face in the U.S. is that they won't disappear by a change of administration. The enemy is indeed us, the American people, and the schism that divides us is deep and unlikely to ameliorate.

152 - c.m. III
My health is good, even though I have five stents to provide open circulation for my heart.

153 - k.m.
children - 2
grandchildren - 2
great-grandchildren - 1

154 - w.m.
children - 1

155 - j.m.
children - 1
I'm still in reasonably good health - I try to walk or work out every day, as well as help maintain our overstuffed home.
I have nothing but scorn for Donald Trump.

156 - r.m.
children - 2
grandchildren - 2
Am in disgustingly good health, continue to exercise hard and practice and play the violin, continue to be very fortunate in my family and friends...

157 - h.m.
children - 3
grandchildren - 2
Then I looked at the Remembrances and In Memoriam pages. I'm sure I'm not alone in finding them to be a sobering reminder of what is to come. I'm hoping my turn to expand the In Memoriam pages won't come too soon. Granted, it might be desirable not to be around to witness how the human species will be enduring the consequences of its neglect of the planet, but I want to see how life unfolds for the grandsons. And I want to live long enough to know the White House is no longer inhabited by a thug.

158 - p.m.
children - 2
grandchildren - 4
great-grandchildren - 1

159 - t.m
children - 2
grandchildren - 5

160 - j.m.
children - 2
grandchildren - 4
I have ridden on a platform of white privilege, often unaware of it. Contrary to what some nameless people might say, we do not live in a post-racist society. African Americans cannot fix discrimination unaided. I aspire to be able to engage  in conversation with a person of color without obligation, guilt or ignorance in either direction. That goal includes dispensing with scalding, paralyzing guilt and accepting actionable responsibility.

161 - d.m.
children - 4
grandchildren - 8
great-grandchildren - 8

162 - w.m.
children - 2
I'm gradually recovering from a seizure-like event in June, 2017.

163 - r.m.

164 - r.m.
children -3
grandchildren - 3

165 - c.m.
children - 2
grandchildren - 3
I find it quite amazing that there is a near-total absence of meaningful checks and balances in present-day American governance where one individual's whim-of-the-moment steers the ship of state. Corrective court action is far to slow, and furthermore, cronyism has blighted the appointment of judges. The ballot box will in the near term be able to ameliorate the present situation. But now a precedent has been established, and it shows a glaring deficiency in our governing structure.
Climate change deserves everyone's concern. We classmates won't experience the looming severity of its consequences, but that is no reason not to reflect upon what our younger family members and those of their generations will face. A view of aerial maps taken of the Arctic in the past decade should be all any unbeliever need see to understand where we are going. The opening of shorter transport routes from North America to the Far East will bring economic benefit to both areas. However, these are miniscule compared to damages caused by rising ocean levels to .m.many islands and most coastal concentrations of population, plus the deleterious effect on fish resulting from higher ocean temperatures.

166 - g .m.
children -4
stepchildren - 1
grandchildren - 9
great-grandchildren - 3
step-great-grandchildren - 1
Starting in 2015, my wife and I have had some bad luck medically. Susan was diagnosed with advanced-stage pancreatic cancer, and she has been valiantly fighting it ever since. In August 2019, I was diagnosed with intermediate-stage prostate cancer, and I started treatment in September. We are inspired by Alex Trebek, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Jimmy Carter, who maintain positive attitudes and hold down very demanding work schedules despite being cancer-stricken. We hope our couintry will find a way to reduce the exorbitant and often unaffordable costs of cancer drugs and treatment.

167 - j.m.
children - 4
grandchildren - 4
Mother nature has pulled a few tricks on me, but the genius of American medicine has thwarted her each time. Every day, though, is a role of dice.
Therefore, I make sure each is counted and full.

168 - j.m.
children - 5
grandchildren - 3

169 - f.n.
children - 3
grandchildren - 5
Just about all my friends agree that we've lived in the best of times and imply that things won't be getting better in the future. Apparently they believe the country's going in the wrong direction, I agree.
You get the idea: having an arrogant, hypocritical pack of lying rogues in the country's highest offices isn't new. What's new is the willingness on the part of the electorate to continue reelecting them to serve as long as they choose. The end of America's tenure as king of the hill may be as inevitable as it has been for every other empire in the past, but without term limits, that end result is a certainty, You and I will escape free and clear of it, but our progeny will be paying the price; rest assured.

170 - a.n.
I am dismayed at the present state of the world and especially that of the United States administration. Am looking forward with hope to the 2020 elections. 

171– e.n.
Oh well – it has indeed been an action-filled (for me) period, starting with a minstroke in 2012 (a little more than five years) just as we were concluding the production of one of our more important films, Mongolia: Mining  Challenges a Civilization.
Nonetheless, the ministroke did impact my activities over the next five years since I couldn't play tennis anymore and got more tired on long trips (travel to Mongolia, etc., diminished considerably).

172 – p.n.
children - 3
grandchildren – 5

173 – a.n.
children - 3
grandchildren – 3

174 – w.o.
children – 2

175 – j.p.

176 – p.p.
children - 3
grandchildren – 3

177 - j.p., jr.
children - 1
grandchildren - 2
In spite of our instructions to forgo matters of health in this report, I need to mention a couple of things (someone - the old Fordham Flash - once said "The legs are the first to go,"  and I am proving it!): I now use a walker, which helps me keep my balance and allows me to move around safely; on the other hand my use of the contraption makes me very wistful for times gone by (e.g. the climb of Fujiyama years ago, the completion of none Boston Athletic Association marathons, also well in the past, and, much more recently, the long walks while following birds).

178 – o.p.
children – 4
grandchildren – 6
Both of us remain healthy, although slower than we used to be.

179– j.p.
children - 3
grandchildren – 7
I get as much exercise as I can manage with walking, tennis and platform tennis. My reaction time and balance are not reliable, but so far I am indulged by my partners, probably as comic relief.
We are privileged, or cursed, to live in interesting times.

180 – r.p.
children – 2
grandchildren – 2
I am still playing golf. I don't hit the ball very far, but I walk the course (in Bethesda, Maryland, most of the year and in the Highlands of Scotland for six weeks in the summer).

181 – s.p., jr.
children – 4
grandchildren – 7
step-grandchildren - 2

182 – c.p.
children – 3
grandchildren – 4
step-grandchildren - 6
step -great-grandchildren – 3
I have been blessed in this journey and have enjoyed
 retirement with my wife and many offspring, plus their families, all in good health.

183 – m.p.

children – 6
grandchildren – 10
great-grandchildren – 1

184 – o.p.

185 – f.p.
children – 2
grandchildren – 3
There is nothing positive to say. Trump is a total disaster and a disgrace to this country.

186 – j.p.
children – 6
grandchildren – 5
great-grandchildren – 2
Since I do daily exercises prescribed by my doctors – and get a lot more physical activity in the garden – I'm in pretty good shape for someone aged eighty-six.

187 – w.p..
children – 2
stepchildren – 5
grandchildren - 3
step-grandchildren - 2

180 – f.r.
children - 2
grandchildren - 3

181 - i.r.
children – 2

182 – a.r.
children – 3 

183 - w.r.
married children - 1
grandchildren - 4

184 - t..r.

185 - s.r.
children - 3
stepchildren - 3
grandchildren - 5
step-grandchildren - 4
We are really fortunate to be alive and healthy.

186 – f.r.
children – 5
grandchildren – 8
great- grandchildren – 3
We are both very grateful for being able to make it through our ninth decade.

187 – w.r., jr.
children – 2
grandchildren – 1

188 – d.r.
children – 3
grandchildren - 4

189 - c.s.
children- 4
grandchildren - 5

190 – j.s
children – 3
grandchildren – 8
With so many friends dealing with illnesses (and worse) I realize how lucky I have been the past five years. Still vertical, if a bit stooped.
I still try to swim half an hour a day but have decided that skiing and scuba diving are no longer wise activities for an eighty-five year old.

191 – p.s.
children – 3
grandchildren – 7 
step-grandchildren - 1
I've dropped old activities over the years, such as white-water canoeing and skiing. Ankle arthritis limits walking distances, and I no longer travel as much.
All in all, we're pretty lucky to have come this far.

192 - w.s.
children - 4
grandchildren - 7
My health was such that I continued sporting activities like tennis and racquetball until about five years ago. Before retiring my favorite sport was white-water rafting.

193 – j.s.
children – 3
grandchildren – 6
step-grandchildren - 3
step-great- grandchildren – 2

194 - a.s.
children – 2

195 – j.s.
children – 4
grandchildren – 5
step-grandchildren - 2
great-grandchildren – 5
I am not happy with the present political turmoil in the United States, and this is an understatement!
At present, I seem to be through with serious health issues, having had a new aortic valve inserted in my heart and completed treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma. I was bitten by a deer tick this fall, but so far, no sign of Lyme disease!

196 – b.s
children – 2
grandchildren – 6
The cross that I must bear is that my vision is severely impaired.

197 – c.s.
children – 2
grandchildren – 2
step-grandchildren - 2
great-grandchildren – 1

198 - s.s.
Happy to be able to report the last five years have been happy and healthy ones for Sylvia and me. Perhaps this is all one can hope for at our age.

199 – r.s.
children – 2
stepchildren - 3
step-grandchildren – 6
step-great-grandchildren – 5
Once in a while, I will play a round of golf; not paying much attention to my score. More often, I go to the gym for a low-stress workout.
Regarding the state of the Union, I suspect we can all agree it is in a state of disunion. But I doubt we can all agree on the causes. In my mind, the main problem we have is that politicians on both sides have failed to be good fiscal stewards. Overwhelming debt has been the killer of most great nations, and I fear it will eventually be our killer. For our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, I sincerely hope this will not be the case.

200 - p.s.
children - 2
grandchildren - 3
Slowly dying from pulmonary fibrosis.

201 – l.s.
children – 2
stepchildren - 3
grandchildren – 3

step-grandchildren - 8
Navigating life had become more challenging in recent years, and after finally receiving a definitive diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, we learned how to approach the situation. I exercise, exercise, exercise, exercise, exercise ... five days a week ... tai chi, special tennis and golf programs, Rock Steady Boxing, memory classes and exercise classes at the YMCA ... all designed for the health and wellness of PD patients.

202 – m.s.
children – 3
grandchildren – 10
step-grandchildren - 4

203 – h.s
children – 3
grandchildren – 12
great-grandchildren - 1
I don't know about you, but I am definitely an old geezer. My muscles, tendons, bones, reflexes, cognitive functions all tell me that my expiry date is fast approaching. But my mind, what's left of it, tells me I should be running in the Yard to keep my appointment with my thesis supervisor or some such thing.

204 - r.s.
children – 1
grandchildren – 5

205 – b.s.
children – 5
grandchildren – 11

206  – j.s.
children – 3
step-children - 4
grandchildren – 8
step-grandchildren – 3

great-grandchildren – 4
step-great-grandchildren -1
Until ten days before my eighty-fifth birthday, I had been in really great health and marveling at how lucky I was to be so well. On July 28, 2017, I was stricken with a body-wide bacterial invasion that has left me still struggling to get and stay well. I had a heart procedure on December 12, 2017, that involved the insertion of a lead through my aorta to my heart, which clamped together my fluttering heart mitral valve.
My feelings about being a hearing-impaired individual remain constant: having a diploma from prestigious Harvard has meant a great deal to me. On the other hand, becoming more acquainted with the minority group of hearing-impaired people has brought more insight to me, one such being that Harvard does not need my financial assistance as much as do programs benefiting hearing-impaired individuals.

207 - h.s.

208 – a.s.
children – 2
grandchildren – 5
Until last year, I played tennis and squash at the Harvard Club of NYC.

209 – r.s.
As are many Americans, we are increasingly distressed by the deterioration of common decency and civility across the land. Let us hope that the great educational institutions of the world can continue to groom thoughtful humanitarian citizens and not fall victim to the dictates of political correctness.

210 – j.s.
children – 2
grandchildren – 7

211 - j.s.
children - 2
stepchildren - 2
grandchildren -3
step-grandchildren - 1

212 - e.s.
children - 3
grandchildren - 2
step-grandchildren - 2
step-great-grandchildren - 1
Our two granddaughters have reached adulthood without acquiring any affliction, but they do face the problem of rectifying the damage the idiotic moron has done to what was once a really great country.

213 – a.s., III
children – 2
grandchildren - 2
Global warming is real.

214 – h.t.
children - 3
grandchildren – 7
Old age, illness and infirmity, and the unexpected need of much assistance have brought home to us the wise goodness of having children, even if we want to be less in need of their caring and help.

215 - w.t.
children - 2
grandchildren - 5

216 – m.t.
children – 2

217 - l.t.
children - 1
children - 2
Physically, I am crippled and cannot walk or drive a car, so a full-time caregiver lives with me - although I do work out at a gym twice a week.

218 – d.t.
children – 5
grandchildren – 5

219 – h.u.
children – 4
grandchildren – 6
step-grandchildren – 2

220 – f.u.
children – 4
grandchildren – 4

221 – g.v.
children – 5
stepchildren - 1
grandchildren - 9

222 – m.v.
children – 7
grandchildren - 8
A final observation is the nastiness of the discourse. I recall that most Americans were polite and friendly seventy years ago, but now you have to be careful as to what you say to anyone. There is a stark difference between the two parties that seems to be irreconcilable.

223 – p.v.
children – 3
grandchildren – 1
I continue as president of Families USA Foundation, fighting since 1981 for “quality, affordable, and equitable health care” for all of us.

224 – m.w.
children – 3
grandchildren – 2

225 - r.w.
children – 2
We have our health problems, but they are manageable.

226 – j.w.
children – 1
grandchildren – 2

227 – a.w.
children – 2
step-children - 2
grandchildren – 5
step-grandchildren – 3

228 - d.w.
children - 3
grandchildren - 6

229 – h.w.
children – 4
grandchildren – 12
great-grandchildren – 2
Lynn and I have been fortunate to enjoy decent health. She has lived wih asthma since early childhood. I literally rolled out of bed one Sunday morning with a stroke but have not been seriously slowed by it. I'm currently exercising a torn hamstring but still expect to trek some further White Mountain miles before retiring my hiking boots.

230  – j.w.
children – 4
stepchildren - 3
grandchildren – 6
step-grandchildren – 8
We've enslaved black people; we've "freed" them. We've peonized and repressed them.White America has degraded itself with amazing constancy in putting down black people, and that story, we well know, is far from over.

231 – l.w.
children – 4
stepchildren - 1
grandchildren – 6
step-grandchildren – 1
I've been slowed down some by both a TIA (transient ischemic attack to brain) and high-altitude sickness. I and others note some word-finding disability with some memory loss (names! names! names!). But overall, life is good!

232 – w.w.
children – 5
grandchildren – 6
I had retired from my company, Raychem, at age sixty-five when I was diagnosed with stage-4 lung cancer, but I really retired six years ago, when I turned eighty, after a long career of pursuing science and developing products for various companies and startups. While I am certainly slowing down in life, I still play a fair game of tennis, walk a lot, and keep my mind active with various self-inflicted tasks around the house and in the community of North Beach in San Francisco.

233 – d.w.
children – 2
grandchildren – 2

234 – h.w.
children – 5
grandchildren – 6
great-grandchildren – 6
Too many ailments – but a very exciting race in life, with family, friends, and varied work and experiences.

235 – h.w.
children – 3
grandchildren – 8

236 – d.w.
children – 3
grandchildren – 3
Duties and responsibilities beckon us:
To abolish war;
To resist racism and militarism;
To defeat an over-incarcerated prison demographic for one that is just;
To overcome climate change;
To establish a fair immigration system;
To achieve quality education for all;
To see the goodness in each other.

237 – r.w.
children – 2
step-children - 2
grandchildren – five
step-grandchildren – 4
Physically I remain relatively fit for my eighty-five years. Accepting some health limitations of aging, I continue to play tennis and pickleball regularly, hike, travel and frequent the gym.
Looking back, it seems that our own generation has been privileged to live in a “golden age,” which I fear may not endure for generations to come. Global population has tripled in my own lifetime, and as our planet physically becomes polluted, overcrowded, overexploited, and overheated, it is also being threatened with upheaval and the politics of division and mounting authoritarianism reminiscent of the 1930s. I hope that my concerns only reflect the musings of old age and will be averted by enlightened education, technology, and awareness of those following us.

238 – c.w.
children – 4
grandchildren – 3

239 – k.w.
children – 2
grandchildren – 2
My health was good until April 2018, when I developed a malignant (squamous cell) tumor of the right parotid gland, perhaps related to Agent Orange exposure when I served as a surgeon in Vietnam. Despite radiation and surgery, the tumor recurred. At the present time, I have an excellent response to immunotherapy and fully expect to make the Sixty-fifth Reunion in Cambridge in May.
There are two matters that continue to concern me. One is the striking divisiveness in our country that seems to have no end in sight. Our present political leadership seems to support this in every way possible. The second is the high cost of education. I know doctors and dentists that graduate with debts that may take decades to resolve. These costs are passed on but creep into both patient care and medical costs.

240 – j.y.
children – 3
grandchildren – 5

241 – s.z.
children – 4
grandchildren – 6
great-grandchildren – 2

242 - r.z., jr.
children – 3
grandchildren – 4
Our health is good, and cataract procedures for me have opened up a more colorful view of the world as well as the first-ever ability to read the bottom line on eye charts. This is, perhaps, the only physical ability that has improved with age.
My concern is for the future, not just of medicine but for society in general. As we all write these reports, it is just over a hundred years since the end of World War I – the Great War to end all wars. It wasn't, and society hasn't learned the cost in men, wealth, and well-being – something that was repeated again in World War II. Since then, we've had relative stability financed in significant measure by our (United States) resources and military. However, I believe the next, truly worldwide war involving all nations has probably begun. It is in the internet, of all things, where the control of information and data will subjugate small nations without the need for military action. I have no idea where the solutions will come from, but we humans live on an island in space called Earth. It has limited resources, and I doubt if we will be able to import any new ones; hence, we must learn to live together in a civil, responsible, and sustainable manner.

243 - r.z.
Retirement continues without much change since the last Reunion. A few more aches and pains - not unexpected.
